Second Grade January 2020










Click here for the lesson before you dismiss students to computers. 






If no technology do Kodables with whole class or do as a station. 

Other stations if no technology:

1. Ozobots-Fairy Tale Coding

2. SnowFlakes- Cut out

3. Snowflakes- Coloring (New Year Rangoli- coloring))

4. Snowman Build a Snowman (marshmallows/toothpicks or Lego builds)





***Students will go to carpet first for lesson.

Do the first few puzzles with the students before dismissing to the computers. 


I can

learn new technologies by using coding puzzles

I can


right and left


I can



coding to solve problems

I Can

problem solve

solutions to the coding puzzles 


**MSB Gets Programmed






Angry Birds Easy



Angry Birds Medium



Angry Birds Hard


Create your own story! 



Code with Minecraft









Tech Lesson Sequence at Smartboard


First teacher will greet students with: "Good morning you awesome, fantastic, fabulous, class!" 

1. Have students sit in front of Smartboard.

2. Review the definition of coding.

3. Review the 3 areas of coding: Playspace/ToolBox/Workspace

4. Review Commands and Repeat Loops

5. This week use "Angry birds" as the example code. Do the first 3 puzzles together as a class before you dismiss class.


Tech Lesson at the Computer


First, the student will login with:

Second, the student will  go to Firefox and Monte vista tech lab website and to their grade level for tech lesson.


At the Computers:

1. Have students buddy up to differentiate skill levels. (techpro/techpal). Have students work with their buddies to solve the coding puzzles.

2. For those students who still need small group instruction can stay at the board with me as I continue working on the puzzles, allowing students to go to individual computers as they are ready.

3. Second graders can have a wide range of levels in coding, so the students who have mastered can move to the next level and those who need more practice or need the puzzles read to them will go to the practice codes. 





***Final 5 minutes before Dismissal

First, the teacher will stop lesson by stating WWW. and students respond with Zip it. com

Second teacher will say: Red dot close, close tabs, Firefox quit, Apple logout, logout

Shortcut: Command Q

Shortcut: Shift Command Q

Third, the students will push chairs in and teacher will line up students one row at a time.











Click here for the lesson before you dismiss students to computers. Hand out student login cards.









Tech Lab Respect Agreements


Respect each other’s learning and space!

Support each other’s learning

Ask before you take someone’s mouse.

Be Kind with words and actions

Be Honest 

Listen to each other

Talk one at a time

Be Humble

No bad attitude

Treat each other kindly and equally –everyone is your friend 

Respect each other’s work



Treat us like family-care about each of us…and respect us!

Treat us all equally-no favorites-Treat all of us like your favorites

Be Kind

Be honestif I am having a tough day….warn us if you don’t have coffee!

Listen to both sides of the story

Apologize if needed

Be awesome, fantastic, fabulous







Active listening while I teach…

Raise your hand

One person talking at a time

Be Kind with words and actions

Be Honest even if it is hard…

Be on the assigned website at all times.

Be in charge of yourself! No Mini Me's.

Use safe search tools correctly.

Persevere! I can’t do it ----YET


Take care of our tech!

Use tech the right way!






Tech Lesson Sequence at Smartboard


First teacher will greet students with: "Good morning you awesome, fantastic, fabulous, class!" 

1. Have students sit in front of Smartboard.

2. Review the definition of coding.

3. Review the 3 areas of coding: Playspace/ToolBox/Workspace

4. Review Commands and Repeat Loops

5. This week use "Kodable" as the example code.Go over login for class as a whole group.


Tech Lesson at the Computer


First, the student will login with:

Second, the student will  go to Firefox and Monte vista tech lab website and to their grade level for tech lesson.


At the Computers:

1. Have students buddy up to differentiate skill levels. (techpro/techpal). Have students work with their buddies to solve the coding puzzles.

2. For those students who still need small group instruction can stay at the board with me as I continue working on the puzzles, allowing students to go to individual computers as they are ready.

3. Second graders can have a wide range of levels in coding, so the students who have mastered can move to the next level and those who need more practice or need the puzzles read to them will go to the practice codes. 





***Final 5 minutes before Dismissal

First, the teacher will stop lesson by stating WWW. and students respond with Zip it. com

Second teacher will say: Red dot close, close tabs, Firefox quit, Apple logout, logout

Shortcut: Command Q

Shortcut: Shift Command Q

Third, the students will push chairs in and teacher will line up students one row at a time.



