Kindergarten May 2020


Good morning, You Awesome Fantastic Fabulous Students!

I really Miss YOU!





Field Trips


San Diego Zoo



Stories from Space











Have fun coding!

  1. Please email me or have your parents email me if you are ready for the next level. (   
  2. Kindergarten, if you do not see your name, you can email your teacher to send me your name and I will create a class code for you!


Class Codes 


Chavez:   2020kc 

Lira:   2020lira

Lopez: 2020lopez

Munoz:  2020Km

Villagrana:   2020v 



Here are some videos to help you on Smeeborg!

How to login from home

1. Sequence Sector: click here! Sequences

2. Condition Canyon: Condition statements

3. Loopy Lagoon: Loops

4. Function Junction